At the horror ranch in Mexico: ‘When I saw what happened, I couldn’t speak. I started to cry’

At the horror ranch in Mexico: ‘When I saw what happened, I couldn’t speak. I started to cry’

The traffic is hellish and the sun beats down on the highway. The noise of the truck exhausts, their smoke, eliminates any hope of life beyond the next 100 meters. Guadalajara isn’t even visible on the horizon. Then the phone rings. “Yeah, okay?” “Hey...” “Who is it?” “Oh, it’s the person you spoke to earlier, from over there...” Ah, the person, the man who has no name, no face, and no joy. “Look, I want to ask you not to include anything about...” the man continues and requests the omission of several details from the story he told earlier, in Teuchitlán, at his home. For his safety, that of his children, his wife, his nephews.

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Police guard the entrance to the ranch in Teuchitlán, on March 13.Candelaria Ayón Silva, one of the mothers who searched the ranch.The priest of Teuchitlán, Jaime Navel.


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