DMN, the neural network at the center of human creativity: ‘Without it, we wouldn’t have any ideas’

DMN, the neural network at the center of human creativity: ‘Without it, we wouldn’t have any ideas’

It is a never-ending stream. A constant drip of ideas, memories, projections and images that flows freely, independent of our will to perform cognitive tasks. Conceptualized in 2001 by Marcus E. Raichle, the default mode network (DMN) is an empirical endorsement of the stream of consciousness James Joyce embraced in his book Ulysses. And like the Irish author’s novel, the DMN — or its unstoppable flow — often appears disjointed and chaotic. According to several studies published in recent years, the DMN also hides a wellspring from which, at times, genius springs forth. It may indeed be the nerve center of human creativity.

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